Raising Kids With Different Personalities & Homeschooling (Pre-Covid) With Ben Kolp

One of my fears is that I’m not going to connect or relate to my kids.

I worry that we are going to be complete opposites and that it may lead to them feeling misunderstood, or worse yet, unloved.

There is no rulebook when it comes to this fear but if there were one to be written, I would ask Ben Kolp to write it.

Like many dads, Ben is the complete opposite of his kids.

Early on, Ben recognized that his sons were their own people with their own interests. He couldn’t force them to like the things he liked, or do the things he was interested in doing.

21 years later, Ben has an outstanding relationship with his kids and he is known as “one of the best dads I know,” according to his wife (totally unbiased 😎).

Ben is a father of 2 young men, who with his wife and my dear friend Karen:
💥 Helped solve his oldest son’s night terror problem, which used to cause him to scream at night for fear of school
💥 Listened to what his boys really needed from him as a father, so that they grew up without any resentment or anger towards him
💥 Raised 2 mature, young and happy adults who are successful and pursuing their dreams
💥 And much much more 

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to AndresLifeCoach@gmail.com.

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