Raising Kids Who Aren’t Afraid To Go To Their Edge With Aleksander Sujica

Did you know that when female eagles are ready to mate, they fly high above with a branch, drop it from the sky, and wait for a male eagle to catch it and bring it back to her?

They do this over and over again until the male eagle has proven that he wont let the branch fall to the ground, and then they make sweet eagle love.

Why is this?

As the babies are growing up, dad will fly in with food for his kids and instead of feeding it to them, this eagle will place the food on the edge of the cliff.

And sometimes the babies fall of the cliff…

…and that’s when dad swoops in to pick them back up.

Why go through this to raise your kids?

Aleksandar Sujica explains perfectly that one of his missions is to teach his kids to go to their edge. To push them selves to grow no matter how uncomfortable it is.

I’m really excited for you to find out Aleksandar’s approach on how he shows up as a dad. Today you’ll find out:

😎 The dangers of labeling your child as shy at an early age and what’s really happening on their end when they’re showing up timidly

😎 How his relationship with his mom shifted as he grew older and how it’s affected his parenting style

😎 The power of not sugarcoating and using the truth to help influence and lead his son

😎 And much much more!

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to AndresLifeCoach@gmail.com.

PS: Please help me congratulate Aleksandar on the birth of his daughter!!!!

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Getting Your Kids On A Mission And Following Their Purpose With David Yudis
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