Police Officer On Being a Dad With Michael Collier

What would you do if you were a police officer and your daughter was protesting against police brutality at the end of your driveway?

How do you parent them and respect that?

Today I’d like you to meet one of my coaching clients and all round good man, Michael Collier.

Mike is raising 2 teenagers with his wife, running an online business, and working as a cop, full-time.

Today you’ll find out:
-How Mike and his wife are raising teenagers with different political views
-How to parent as a police officer amidst the current police and racial climate
-How to raise kids with different personalities and interests so you have a great relationship with them
-How to create a great relationship with your kids with a police officer’s work schedule
-And much much more…

Recommended Resources:
⭕️ Raising Twins After An Ectopic Pregnancy With Jose Hernandez
⭕️ Being a New Dad (Matt Morse’s Story)
⭕️ How To Dad With John Patrick Morgan
⭕️ How To Be Better Dad (Advice From An 87 Year Old Dad)