Being a New Dad (Matt Morse’s Story)

Have you and your partner been trying to have a baby, but you seem to not be able to?

Are you concerned about your baby being born prematurely and staying in the NICU?

If you are trying to have a baby and don’t know what to expect, I’m happy to introduce you to Matt Morse.

I met Matt in 2018 and he runs Baseball Education Center with my good friend Paul Reddick. Matt is a really good man and he shares his experience of being a dad to his 1 year old son, the journey to becoming a father, and the challenges he’s faced and overcome with his wife as a new dad.

Today you’ll find out:
⚾️ How to remain consistent and positive when trying to get pregnant for over a year
⚾️ Why being in the moment and enjoying each step of your child’s life is something you will treasure for the rest of your life
⚾️ How being around other dads who have more experience than you will help you prepare and be a better dad
⚾️ How to balance running businesses and being a new dad
⚾️ And much much more…

Recommended Resources:
⭕️ How To Dad With John Patrick Morgan
⭕️ How To Be Better Dad (Advice From An 87 Year Old Dad)
⭕️ The TRUTH About Being a Stepdad (Jason’s Journey)
⭕️ The Cost of Working Too Much And How To Balance Your Life Better With Bhavik Patel