Adopting a Child From Africa & Raising 4 Kids With Pastor Jared Kirk

When your kids are screaming at the top of their lungs because they want more TV time, do you:

A) Feel that you keep your peace show up in a calm way or 
B) Find yourself ordering and shouting even louder than them?

Do you ever worry sometimes that your kids are not going to grow up to be good people?

You are not alone and that’s why today I am honored to introduce you to a man who teaches my family every week, Pastor Jared Kirk.

My wife, Maria, and I met at our local church in Jersey, and moving up to Boston meant we needed to find a new church to call home.

A few weeks after moving we came across Renewal Church and it was one of the greatest gifts we received since getting married.

In the eight months that I’ve known Jared, I’ve grown exponentially as a man, as a husband, and as a servant. Reflecting on what his leadership has done for me, I knew I had to pick his brain on how he approaches fatherhood.

Today you’ll find out:
💥 How to build trust and love, so that you have a great relationship with your kids (from a young age)
💥 How to show up when your kids are acting straight up crazy and causing a scene
💥 The challenge, the gift, and the story about adopting a child from South Africa 
💥 And so much more…

PS: Here’s the book Jared recommend:

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
Raising Kids Who Aren’t Afraid To Go To Their Edge With Aleksander Sujica
How to Raise 7 Kids Without Any of Them feeling Forgotten With Jon Shetrit
Being a Dad at 18 & Raising 5 Kids Since Then With Jason Soto
Dads: 5 Reasons Your Kids Need You Now