You Are Not A Problem

If you’ve ever been told you’re wrong…

If you’ve ever felt like no one understands you…

If you’ve ever felt like no one has ever supported you, I want to tell you something about you that may have not heard in a while.

You are wonderfully made.

You are a good person. You are someone that somebody looks forward to seeing. Somebody who someone loves. Someone who is funny. Someone who is lovable. Someone who is worth everything.

As we grow older, it’s easy for others to point out our mistakes or make fun of the flaws we still feel raw about.

When someone’s having a rough day, taking it out on somebody is easy (something I’m guilty of doing…)

Hurt people, hurt people. Just because someone is experiencing some type of pain, they aren’t justified when they take it out on you.

Despite all of that pain. Despite all of the hurt that you may be carrying on, remember… you are a gift, not a problem.

It’s ok to feel hurt.

It’s ok to remember the baggage.

When it’s time to let it go, you’ll be ready for it.

Your dreams are worth pursuing.

Your kindness is worth sharing.

If someone tells you you’re too polite, be rebellious and tell them “I’m sorry you feel that way but thank you for your feedback.”

If someone tells you you’re too positive, disarm them with your charm and tell them “How can I not be when I’m around someone I have fun with, like you.”

You are worth fighting for. You are worth standing up for.

I may not be able to be there physically but I know the amazing person inside of you can take the baton from me.

You are wonderfully made. How can I say that? Because if you disagreed with me, you wouldn’t have read this far 🙂

Keep moving forward.

You’re doing better than you think.

Believing in you,