Being A Dad At 18 & Raising 5 Kids Since Then With Jason Soto

Did you become a dad at 18? Have you tried to provide for your kids through selling drugs or stealing cars?

Do you struggle to find a role model of what a good dad looks like?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I’d like to introduce you to a man who was in a similar spot as you, Jason Soto.

Jason is a man with more life experience than most people that I know, and today he talks about:
-His challenges with becoming a father at 18 years old
-What raising 5 kids across 20 years has taught him
-Being a stepfather to his girlfriend’s daughter since she was 4 years old
-And so much more!!

In the short amount of time that I’ve met him, Jason has taken a special place in my life and I’m really excited for what you’re going to get out of his experience.

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
How To Raise 7 Kids Without Any Of Them feeling Forgotten With Jon Shetrit
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Raising Kids with Different Personalities & Homeschooling (pre-COVID) WIth Ben Kolp
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez

How To Raise 7 Kids Without Any Of Them Feeling Forgotten With Jon Shetrit

What do you think your life would look like if you had 5 kids?

What about 6?

What about 7?!

Today Jon Shetrit shares with you and I his experience of raising 7 kids.

Jon is a stoic man who works so hard to provide for his family.

Not just with his finances, but with his time and love. “When people talk about becoming a dad, you always hear how hard it is, but not how amazing you’re going to feel when you’re little princess looks up at you”

Today you’ll find out:
-What Jon does to create trust and openness with each of his kids
-How to give each of your children the attention and love they need (especially when you have many kids)
-A powerful shift in how to think about time with your kids. ESPECIALLY when you’re busy and your schedule is tight
-And so much more!!

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
You Are Not A Problem
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Raising Kids with Different Personalities & Homeschooling (pre-COVID) WIth Ben Kolp
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez

Raising Kids With Different Personalities & Homeschooling (Pre-Covid) With Ben Kolp

One of my fears is that I’m not going to connect or relate to my kids.

I worry that we are going to be complete opposites and that it may lead to them feeling misunderstood, or worse yet, unloved.

There is no rulebook when it comes to this fear but if there were one to be written, I would ask Ben Kolp to write it.

Like many dads, Ben is the complete opposite of his kids.

Early on, Ben recognized that his sons were their own people with their own interests. He couldn’t force them to like the things he liked, or do the things he was interested in doing.

21 years later, Ben has an outstanding relationship with his kids and he is known as “one of the best dads I know,” according to his wife (totally unbiased 😎).

Ben is a father of 2 young men, who with his wife and my dear friend Karen:
💥 Helped solve his oldest son’s night terror problem, which used to cause him to scream at night for fear of school
💥 Listened to what his boys really needed from him as a father, so that they grew up without any resentment or anger towards him
💥 Raised 2 mature, young and happy adults who are successful and pursuing their dreams
💥 And much much more 

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
Raising 3 Wonderful Kids & Dealing With Divorce With Eric Rodriguez
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Unpacking The Gift of Being a Dad & Raising 3 Kids With Jay Arisso
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez

Raising 3 Wonderful Kids & Dealing With Divorce With Eric Rodriguez

There’s a very special man I’d like you to meet today.

He’s a dad who continues to show up no matter what adversity he’s faced with. It’s an honor to call him family and I’d like you to meet Eric Rodriguez, my cousin Andrea’s husband.

Today he’ll talk about
🤟 Raising 3 kids
🤟 Being a dad after a divorce
🤟 Marrying his dream girl
🤟 And so much more 

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
You Are Not A Problem
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Relinquishing Parental Rights & Raising Your Daughter Without Hitting Them With Joey Bergeron
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez

Relinquishing Parental Rights & Raising Your Daughter Without Hitting Them With Joey Bergeron

Are you a dad who isn’t ready to be a dad?

Are you a dad who wasn’t ready to be a dad when you became one?

Were you raised by someone who wasn’t your biological dad, and wondered why?

“There are going to be dads who are in situations like this… I wish I could have heard someone talk about this candidly when it was happening to me”

Not being in a child’s life is a touchy subject with a lot of opinions.

I have my own experience with it firsthand and I’m really grateful for the chance to speak with a dad who went through the experience of handing over his parental rights.

Today I speak with a man who is wiser beyond his years, Joey Bergeron.

Joey and I coach incredible people into creating businesses that provide for their families.

I’ve been waiting with anticipation to share the story of this intelligent and kind man with you all.

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
You Are Not A Problem
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Unpacking The Gift of Being a Dad & Raising 3 Kids With Jay Arisso
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez

Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama

Have you ever wanted your kid to achieve the things you couldn’t?

It could be in sports, business, anything, you just want to give them the experience and advice that you wish you got when they were age?

However, has it ever feel like you were pulling teeth just to get them to do something in that sport, business, etc?!

Today I speak with a dear friend, mentor, and brother in my life Pito Guardarrama.

Pito is a pastor at Today’s Church and today he talks about his experience, his challenge, and the gift of raising 3 wonderful kids with his wife Karina of 20 years.

Today you’ll learn more about
-The cost of pushing your son through sports he doesn’t want to do
-Staying together after cheating
-How his near death experience reshaped how he shows up for his wife and kids
-And much much more

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
Unpacking The Gift of Being a Dad & Raising 3 Kids With Jay Arisso
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez
Getting Your Kids On A Mission And Following Their Purpose With David Yudis
You Are Not A Problem

Unpacking The Gift of Being a Dad & Raising 3 Kids With Jay Arisso

After losing my job in 2018, I felt lost and overwhelmed.

I judged myself harshly for my mistakes and was filled with doubt as I worked towards becoming a real estate agent, until I met Jay Arisso.

Confused, alone, and feeling like a loser, my cousin’s husband (cousin in law?) Eric invited me to join him at Today’s Church.

I sat in the dark auditorium of Elizabeth High School after waiting for service to start and for the next hour it felt like Jay was talking to me and only me, and this has continued since all these years later!

Over the last 4 years Pastor Jay has shown me what a man, husband, and father looks like when he comes from a place of kindness and knowing who he is.

To interview him for this podcast is a blessing, and if you haven’t met Pastor Jay yet, today you’ll get a glimpse of what he’s learned and continues to learn from raising 3 kids. Such as:

-Lessons learned from his dad’s food truck
-The importance of standing for something over nothing at all
-How his dad showed up for him is reflected on how he shows up for his kids
-And much much more

If you have any questions, anything you’d like me to pass on to the dads who’ve been interviewed, or if you’re a dad who would like to be on here, send me an email to

Recommended Resources:
Surviving A Near Death Experience & Getting Rid of Expectations With Pito Guardarrama
Creating Quality Time & Overcoming Infidelity With Joey Ramirez
You Are Not A Problem