I Help Dads Create The Relationship
They Want With Their Kids

– Would you like to feel respected, confident, and as a leader at home?
– Would you like your kids to answer your calls?
– Would you like to be a part of your kid’s life?

I didn’t grow up with my dad.

Growing up, I felt like a failure. I’ve been fired. I’ve struggled financially. I’ve felt like I wasn’t enough. I’ve let people down.

I felt more like a failure than I’d ever want anyone to ever feel, and the worst thing is I felt like I didn’t have someone I could turn to… until my relationship with my dad was healed.

I walked into being a coach because all of the coaches in my life helped me get past the pain and create the relationship I now have with my dad. I am a coach because I am committed to helping other dads do the same for their relationship with their kids.

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I’ve coached men who’ve felt lost. Who’ve been cheated on. Who’ve felt like they settled into an unfulfilled life.

I have also been a leader, a coach, and an advisor to men for over 10 years. I’ve faced many challenges (in life and in business) and I’ve coached many people through life-changing experiences.

One thing I’ve learned from everyone I’ve coached is that even the most successful among us have the same challenges as we do!

What if I told you through coaching I could show you how to get past the obstacles so you can have the relationship you want with your kids?

With the right mindset and coaching, you can have the life where:
-You talk to your kids every week, even every day
-You share the big life events with your kids, together
-You finally have peace, knowing that your kids love you and nothing can get in the way of you being in their life again

All of this is possible and more. 

I invite you to do some research so you can see if I’m someone you think who can help you. You can check out my work here and you’re more than welcome to send me any questions you have here: AndresLifeCoach@gmail.com

I believe in you,

Here’s what other people have to say about working with Andres:

“He Has Been So Consistent And Patient
With My Mood Swings”

I just have to #share, because Andres Gonzalez never asks us to post a #win on the 1 on 1 coaching calls.

His passion and wisdom are more than exceptional. I’ve had a few p2p coaches and Andrés has, by far, been my favorite. He has been so consistent and patient with my mood swings (still having ups and downs after a year of sobriety) and always finding a time slot for me when I need to talk to him about personal issues.

Because he is a, loving, life coach, I feel I can open up to him and not feel judged. Not just because of his credentials but how much he TRULY cares and how “real” he is.

I love you, Andrés. This, here, floored me when I received this. I couldn’t hold back the tears.

You freaking rock, brother!!!

-Billy A, North Carolina

“Before I Talked To You Today, I Was…
Coming From A Place Of ‘Scarcity’…”

“My Anxiety Went Down”

“Constant support and reassurance made me stronger and I felt unconditionally accepted and my confidence grew. That gave me the courage to look into problem-solving possibilities with the inner self belief. Also by constantly supporting me and bringing me back to my achievements I started accepting myself more, feeling more productive and proud of myself.

My anxiety went down. Andres is very calming and reassuring, it’s easy to let your guard down and start doing inner search that helps to tackle your problem to a new level-more manageable. Andres is an amazing life coach, I cannot recommend him highly enough!

Thank you so much. I feel amazing!”

-Tina M, London

These Are Some Of The People I’ve Helped
Who Have Suffered With
Some Major Problems

And These Are Some Of The Problems
I’ve Helped People Overcome:

These are some of the people I’ve helped who have suffered with some major problems and these are some of the problems I’ve helped people overcome:
– Getting over rejection with women and in business
– Not feeling like you are enough
– Fear of failure
– Fear of not being loved
– Doubting yourself
– Feeling insignificant
– Feeling unsatisfied with your life
– Fear of success
– Dealing with anger issues at home
– Feeling lost
– Feeling disrepected by your significant other
– Giving up on your goals
– Being cheated on
– Creating boundaries with family, friends, and coworkers
– Recovering and thriving after a bad breakup
– Feeling overwhelmed with the pitfalls of owning a small business
– Feeling confident after a girlfriend broke up with you
– Healing your relationship with your dad
– Living with guilt
– Having a long distance relatinoship with your kids
– Feeling unstatisfied with your life
– Getting respect at home
– Getting respect at work
– Believing in yourself to get the things you want in your life
– Feeling lazy  
– Falling back into bad habits
– Feeling judged by women, your coworkers, and family
– Fear of losing love
– And much much more…

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“I Gained 3 Customers In One Week
With Your Coaching”

“The most important thing for me was that the problems you think cannot be easily solved, can actually be solved very quickly with the help of the right person. I gained 3 customers in one week with your coaching. I gained some insights into how to approach my issues. I gained much more confidence about my work, and the confidence reflects in my daily life and makes me a more satisfied person. In only 3 weeks, I feel like I am sooo close to the exact point I want to be with my business. 

In addition, in terms of any kind of relationship, I feel more confident about determining and going after what I really want and value.”

-Gizem P, London

“In One Word, Coaching Has Made Me
Feel Accomplished.”

“I have focused my attention in the past in one particular area in my life. However, with coaching I am able to focus on wider areas in my life.

With coaching I was able to realize significant goals. Before coaching I never really thought that these goals were significant and that I would feel accomplished from seeing them through. I now realize how important these tasks were and that they were actual goals to be realized.

You are gifted and Amazing at what you do, Andres.

-Alecia B, New York

“I Feel More Motivated, I Feel Happier,
I Want To Take Action.”

“Back in November, when I started coaching sessions with Coach Andres, I was confused, I was lost recently having lived a traumatic experience.

I was seeking people to talk to and guide me out of this darkness and that is when I met Coach Andres. Coach Andres instantly made me feel heard and “normal”.

Coach Andres made me realize many things that I didn’t understand. He helped me see light in really dark situations.

The exercises Coach Andres has me do have really allowed me to reflect on my experiences and see the good in them. They have allowed me to take more action towards a happier and healthier life.

It has been about 2 months since I’ve been doing sessions with Coach Andres and I have already seen a change. I feel more motivated, I feel happier, I want to take action.”

-Johanna F, New York

“It Felt Like A Weight Has Been Lifted
From My Shoulders And I Gained
My Confidence Back”

“Coaching has made me feel more confident, understanding, and relieved. Before I had Andres as a coach I was in a dark place and I was extremely depressed.

Speaking to Andres made me feel safe and comfortable because what I was opening up to things I never told anyone. I felt relived that I could confide in someone that understood me and made me feel like it was possible to overcome my situation.

The more we spoke I was feeling so much better and I was getting a better understanding why everything happen the way it did and how I should see things in a positive way.

It felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and gained my confidence back.”

-Katt A, New York

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“Andres Listens Well And His Intuition Gets His Clients Results”

“Andres is a phenomenal coach. His compassion, empathy, attention to detail, and ability to ask great questions make him a sought after coach.

He listens well and his intuition gets his clients results. He is able to close the gap between where a client is and where they want to be with professional ease. I cannot recommend Andres highly enough as a life coach.”

-Chris J, Success Coach

“I Witnessed
The Tremendous Care
And Love He Holds
For His Own Clients”

“It was such an honor to get to work and know Andres as a client of mine and as a colleague. 

I witnessed the tremendous care and love he holds for his own clients and how much he works on himself to better himself and as a result is able to better help his clients.”

-Rosa O, Success Coach

“Andres Is… Well,
He’s A Fantastic Human Being And Coach.”

“He knows how to listen, he knows how to speak, and he knows the right questions to ask to get you to where you want to be. 

Andres has helped me increase my confidence, thicken my skin, and believe in myself more than any other coach I’ve worked with.

He would make an amazing potential coach for you and I hope you are able to make it happen if you see fit.”

-Tim M, Massachussetts

Click Here To Become A Client

“Andres Is Knowledgeable, Intuitive
And Easy To Open Up Too.”

“I just finished my coaching session with Andres. I’m so excited and completely blown away!

Andres is knowledgeable, intuitive and easy to open up too. During our session he listened to me attentively, answered all of my questions, and helped me create a game plan for my business. I highly recommend doing a coaching session with Andres.”

-Ben Bakayoko, Success Coach

“Andres Is A Very Patient, Keen And Understanding Coach.”

“He helps me to find out my spark, my strengths and what are those deep rooted beliefs I should remind myself in order perform better to achieve my goals.”

-Apurva P, Amsterdam

“Coaching Has Made Me Feel Confident And I Feel More At Ease With My Long-Term And Short-Term Goals”

“I feel that I have accomplished obtaining organizational skills and putting my ideas and goals on paper make them feel so much closer and realistic. 

I recommend coaching to anyone who feels like they want a better vision of themselves and learn to live more organized and to achieve attainable goals.”

-Andres T, Florida

Click Here To Become A Client

“The Inner Work That We Have Done Has Helped Me Realize That We Can Change“

“Coaching with Andres has made me feel more reflective on the way that I talk to myself / think about myself as well as others.

Our mind is powerful and should be used to aid us in times of need and triumph, the inner work that we have done has helped me realize that we can change and do have a choice as to where we want to be spiritually as well as physically in our lives.” 

-James P, New York

“Coaching Has Made Me Feel More Grounded
And Stable”

“The coaching has made me feel more motivated to accomplish my goals because I was able to break down my goals into smaller steps.

I also learned the importance of celebrating small wins instead of only celebrating when a goal has been met. The coaching has opened me to be less hard on myself about my goals and I was able to find ways to be more proactive in my life without feeling overwhelmed. Overall, the coaching has made me feel more grounded and stable.”

-Jhanee S, New Jersey 

“Coaching Has Made Me Feel Supported And Challenged Because I’ve Learned To Recognize Habits That Don’t Encourage My Goals”

“I look forward to the exercises that give me clarity and understanding towards my goals. I appreciate the supportive language and encouragement received from my coach. 

I feel I’ve accomplished a clear understanding of my goals and have tools to use while keeping on track. I’ve realized that my goals are possible to acquire and I am in alignment to bringing them into fashion.”

-Tiffany B, New York

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“Working With Him…
Has Been An Amazing Journey For Me”

“Coach Andres is great at asking the “right” questions; the ones that make you think and find an answer to the problem at hand. I have personally felt amazed by how successfully his techniques work in regaining focus over areas of life that require attention.

He makes one feel so comfortable that you do not hesitate in sharing your experience with him, particularly, because he can relate, empathize and share his own experiences.

Working with him in partnership to learn about my own self has been an amazing journey for me. Thank you, coach!”

-Iris L, Washington DC